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Your first prayer

Loving Jesus, today I perceived the truth about you, thank you for granting me an opportunity to get to know you. I have been living my life in disillusion, I confess my life in your presence. Take this heart and soul, cleanse me and make me holy again. Forgive me for the wrongful life I have been living, I no longer want to live in bondage, please set me free and make me a fully transformed new human being.

I receive your love, joy and peace into my life today. I will change my ways and change my life's choices, but I need your help in doing so, please guide me in all that I do. Have mercy on me and teach me good from evil. I believe in your Holy sacrifice, that you gave your life for me on the cross and that you have resurrected to life again. Through faith I now confess that I have also been crucified to my sin and past life and I'm also resurrected to a new life. Preserve my soul so that I do not perish.

I believe with my whole heart that you're the Son of true God, my Saviour and Lord. Grant your salvation to me, restore my spirit in your Holy Spirit. In Jesus precious name, I offer this prayer and believe that I received everything I prayed for. Amen.

By grace you have been saved through faith

If you have said this prayer whole-heartedly, welcome to the family of Christ. You may get in touch with anyone around you who shares the same faith in Jesus, ask your queries and get to know more. You can start conversing with God through prayers everyday, keep talking to Him about every little thing in your life, as if sharing to a friend or brother and also receive what He has to say through reading Bible. There are several real life stories that will inspire you in your personal life, you may want to start with reading the Gospel according to John, to know more about the life of Christ.

Stay in touch. God bless you.

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Great post.

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